How Sundays work here is we have our normal sacrament and then the branch Pres will get up and on the spot announce who will be speaking and you just get up and speak in ONLY Italian. scary right? Everyone gets all nervous right before. Well guess who he called this week! good ol Williams. I was waiting for someone to be like I VOLUNTEER I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE. Alas, nope. Unfortunately for me I didn't plan my talk too well before hand because I was like pssshhhh ill never get called so I'll just draw on the white board instead. It ended up going really well. I had a few notes in my notebook but I didn't use any of them because when I got up there I realized how bad I hated everything I wrote. So I gave a whole talk in Italian SOLO. Who knew? not me. It was a confidence boost that's for sure. I know more than I gave myself credit. I love the Italian language. Its so beautiful and I just thank my lucky stars everyday I'm not in this place learning Chinese or Finnish for 10 weeks. My word.
We taught several times this week and they all went really well! The language is getting easier and easier for me to understand so instead of just smiling and nodding with a single tear rolling down my face because I'm so confused... I actually know what they are saying and can respond! We "mock" taught Swenson and the three of us were in a class room teaching the restoration. My most favorite thing to talk about in the history of the world . And I'm getting better at saying it all in Italian. Well Sorella Hoffman popped her head in the classroom and loved how we were teaching it, so much that she said PAUSA and got the others and brought them in to watch how we were doing it as an example. Not that I'm not encouraging anyone to compare yourself. And we genuinely didn't think we were doing that good of a job. But Sorella Hoffman said she could feel the spirit so strong and wanted the other missionaries there. I recited the first vision and bore my testimony and there wasn't a dry eye in the room. The story of an average Joe who was so humble, Joseph Smith, asking God which church was true to then literally witnessing the Father and Jesus Christ appearing to him is the most profound thing that has ever happened on the Earth since Jesus. I can not say this enough. It brings the spirit every dang time. And I want anyone who ends up reading this to read Joseph Smith History chapter 1 again. I don't care how many times you've read it. It is true. It is real. It happened. and prophets in our day are still being led by Jesus Christ himself as it is His church on earth. Absolutely incredible.
I think one of the best things about being a missionary right now is that we have Preach My Gospel, a guide for missionaries and really anyone to understand and teach this gospel. Back in the day the missionaries had specific memorized lessons that they would recite to their investigators. We had a devotional this week talking about this very thing. They ask a lot more responsibility out of missionaries today, instead of having set lesson plans, simply follow the spirit and teach from the heart. Sounds simple- but it's not. I thought the MTC would be a place where they would teach me and tell me what to teach and I could just worry about learning Italian. oooooohhhhhh nooooooooooo was I wrong. I have the complete responsibility at calling upon the spirit of the Lord to tell me exactly what it is that this investigator is needing to hear. I have to study this gospel, I have to know these scriptures so that the spirit may bring one to remembrance for me, I need to know this language. But because of this, the conversion cuts deeper for both me, my companion, and the person we are teaching. I have had some of the most spiritual experiences of my life while teaching REAL investigators here, teaching over skype to Italy, mock teaching my teachers, and teaching random volunteers from Provo area. It's so wonderful because each lesson is different as I try my best and prayerfully ask what it is this person needs to hear. I have not had one lesson that has the been the same as another. I love the Preach My Gospel books- we have become best friends. I cling to it with my life. They are incredible tools so that I may know how the spirit can touch the person I am teaching. Nothing has been more rewarding in this MTC experience so far when you see the defensive walls of people break down and their eyes fill with tears as they realize the tr;truthfulness and sincerity of the message brought to them by two 20 year old girls. I did not put my life on hold for 18 months to travel Italy, I did it because I know this message to be true. THE SPIRIT IS UNDENIABLE. Pray to feel it more easily in your life and you will. Its that easy I promise.
Yet again I am the luckiest sister in the world because I am convinced in my 7 weeks here I have had the best devotionals of all time in the history of the MTC- that I am sure of. Donald L. Hallstrom came and talked to us Tuesday. He is the president of the quorum of the seventy. He did not have one note or paper up there with him-most speakers don't actually. He was lead by the spirit talking to us and it touched my heart so strongly!! I will miss the devotionals here so much! He gave me a lot of confidence in what I am doing. He did not beat around the bush and was very dry about everything, which are my favorite people. He talked about giving your whole heart to this work. No matter where we are all going on our missions to which ever country, the message will be the same. He said in such a powerful way speaking about his own mission to England, "I knew I was on the threshold of something important. That I was sure of. So I could not under-do the experience of being a full time missionary of Jesus Christ. You start by giving your will to the Lord. Give all of yourself to Him. Then move forward and know that they will do with you as they need. You will be blessed with a higher level of direction. Some of us think Am I really good enough to do this? I declare that you are because you are a son or daughter of God. It will not make life easy, but you will never look back". The culture of this world is not as important as the culture of Jesus Christ. We have been talking a lot about Italy this week and what to brace for. The teachers have said they have never seen as much sin up close as they did in Italy. It takes strong missionaries to go to such a sinful place. They went into detail about some of the things they saw, but I don't need to go into that. What they did say was that those who recognized the message for it's truthfulness were ready to turn toward Christ regardless of their environment, past, family situations, money circumstances, etc. No culture in this world is as important as the culture of Jesus Christ. What ever you have been dealt with in life, I promise you that the Atonement of Jesus Christ will give you the power to overcome it.
I want you all to know I have appreciated so much the help and support from you as I have been in the MTC. I cannot say enough that I literally have no idea what I'm doing getting on the plane Tuesday hahaaha. I have no idea what to expect for the next 18 months of my life in Italy. But I represent him and follow him and because of that he will never leave me alone. This place has been such a great learning environment for me and I have made some life long friends. Nothing I experienced here was by coincidence. Nor is anything I write in these emails. I pray every time before I write these emails to hopefully touch someone and let it be something they needed to hear. Not everyone can be full time missionaries as I am, but God doesn't care about that. He wants you to feel His love more than anything. He wants you to ask him in prayer if he is really there for you. And he wants you to use what he has given us to help you realize that you are his child and his work is happening on this Earth! pick up the book of Mormon and read it. I do not hesitate to promise you blessings when you do so.
I LOVE YOU ALL! SEE YOU IN AMSTERDAM LOLZ GONNA PARTY IT UP, ALWAYS WANTED TO GO THERE. jk just going to be chillin in the airport. or will I......;);):):):);)::):):):):)
love Sorella Williams
P.S. Sis Romney and I are friends now and she loves my turquoise rings but I told her she can't have them unless her grandma needs them for something. Man that Anne, gets me every time.