We went to a little town called Travagliato and found 2 less actives. It was a miracle because one of them we ran smack into on the sidewalk. Miracle! We also taught the Garatti's like always. Massimo pulled a prank on me and told me that the roasted chestnuts he bought were cooked baby turtles. I've seen weirder food here in Italy so I had no reason not to believe him haha. And in my defense they kinda looked like baby turtles too!! I'm trying to think of how I can get back at him.
We went to this SUPER old couple's house named the Genolini's. They are a little crazy with old age, but still super cute. We decided it would be best to just sing them a hymn. So we began to sing and Giovanni decided to join us as well hahha. So he began to sing but his wife decided she needed coke and she needed it that very moment. So in the middle of us singing they both started making this huge ruckus about trying to find some coke for her and I busted out laughing and could not for the life of me stop. He began singing again but this time it was only him because Sorella Tullis and I were just shaking trying to keep from laughing. We couldn't even finish the song. Tears were streaming. I don't know what made it so funny it just was.
Monday was a little crazy. We had special permission from president to leave our boundaries and go to a small city outside Milan called Saronno with Irene (the blind woman we help each week) so she could attend the funeral of her best friend Fabio. Fabio was diagnosed with cancer in January and passed over the weekend. He was only 29 years old. Irene was absolutely devastated and needed our help because the place where he lived does not allow dogs so she needed us to go so one of us could stay with her guide dog Logan outside and the other one of us could guide her in to where his open casket was. I was grateful we were able to help her and be with her as she grieved. We really love Irene. After the open casket we went to the funeral service at the super old big Saronno Catholic Chapel with half the town there.They did the mass service as well and the priest (who was so nice) spoke about Fabio. Irene told us the next day that several people contacted her telling her to thank us missionaries for making our presence at the funeral and to thank us for our prayers even though we are not of the same faith.
In other news we were fed a massive bowl of cow stomach yesterday. I've never had to focus so hard while eating in my life. Sorella Tullis and I mentally and emotionally supported each other through it all. It was Manuella's grandmother's recipe and it is her pride and joy so we thought throwing it up on the table probably would have been a little offensive. After that meal from heaven, we taught Stefania and Samuele how they can better study the scriptures and truly find answers to their prayers. We studied 1 Nephi chapter 13 all together which is an explanation about why it is crucial we have the Book of Mormon as well as the Bible and also the preparing of the world for the restoration of Christ's church. We are so lucky to have two testaments of Jesus Christ and his gospel in our lives that can bring us further answers and peace together. After the lesson I went to the bathroom and on my way I tripped over the most devilishly TINY step at the door way and totally ate it face first into the dog's bed. It was the loudest crash that old apartment building has ever heard. Everyone ran around the corner and died laughing as I tried to roll myself off of the dog bed. I took a picture of this step for everyone to witness how sneaky and unnecessary it is!!! *find picture below*
Maria Scala came to church this past Sunday, which is SO exciting. She is a meno attiva and we have been trying to get her to church since we got to Brescia. She loved it and wants to come again next week.
We taught a lot this week about God's love. And as I studied and tried to better understand it myself, I realized something very simple but for some reason had really never struck me as hard before. The best way to understand just a small portion of the love that our Heavenly Father has for us is by simply looking at a family. There is a father and mother who love their children, they provide, teach, nourish, council, laugh, and love them. They have unique and individual relationships with each child. Each child has his or her own characteristics, personalities, weaknesses, passions, imperfections, and quirks. The father and the mother love this about that child and encourage them to strengthen these qualities to bring them happiness by giving guidance throughout their life. The relationship between the parents and the child grow and change and mature in natural ways as the child gets older. The parents continue to be as much apart of the child's life as they can. They allow the child to leave home to gain life experience with school or a job or just living on their own. It is difficult, but worth it so the child can understand their potential and, ultimately, become parents themselves one day and be as happy as the mother and father are. Of all the things in heaven, God gave us the most sacred gift he has, which is family. It's such an incredible thing. He really does love us.
Vi voglio bene spero che abbiate una bella settimana con le risa e abbracci
con amore, Sorella Lindy (the name Irene gave me. Close enough)
Giada's baptism! It was beautiful, the spirit was so strong!!
Filling up the water at the baptismal font
The sneaky and unnecessary step!!
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