Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Time is flying!

Ciao!  This week went by very very fast.

     We went to a ward party to say goodbye to Susana who has been my bestie in the ward since November. She is going on a mission to Toronto Canada. I'm so excited for her, but it was hard to say goodbye to someone who has been with me my entire time here in Milan!  At the party we took time to let anyone who wanted to say some words to Susana. There were a lot of tears and a lot of love! We brought Gaia with us and she was shocked. She leaned over to me and said "my survival mode is breaking down" She has said 'survival mode' to us several times explaining her home situation and how expressing how you feel or feeling love at home just isn't a thing. She grew up in very difficult situations and for that reason shut herself down to letting herself feel much emotion. Church is becoming her safe refuge and it is so good to see that in her. 

     We had a scambio and I did mine with Sorella Roseno, who is the best. She is from Wyoming and has the most incredible conversion story. She grew up baptist and was preached to all her life about how Joseph Smith was a fraud. She had a friend who was a member and was eventually challenged to read the book of mormon to know if it was true. So she began reading it to prove her friend why it wasn't true. She was baptized a month later. Her parents were very against it, and of course shocked when soon after baptism she decided to serve a mission. She is a very strong girl and we taught some great lessons together! The buses were cancelled Sunday so we had a surprise VERY long walk back to the metro haha.

     We introduced Gaia Monday to the baptismal interview questions before having her interview this Friday with Anziano Simkins. Afterward we talked for a long time. She said how it now just seems so official and questioned if she was ready. We talked to her a little bit about her transformation in these past couple months/weeks. There is no denial that this was a heaven sent intervention in her life at exactly the right time. The spirit was strong and she bore testimony so strong of the gospel and of God and the truthfulness of it all. We were all in tears. Sorella Anderson said "Gaia, you just bore your testimony!" and she said ".............I did?" she bore her first testimony and had no idea she had! The gospel is so real and if you allow it to, it will change your life. 

    At ONE DAY'S NOTICE (thanks a lot Anziano Brooks) we found out we needed to go to Alessandria and participate in the Torino zone and Genova zones conference and do a training. It was such a good conference and I knew it was no coincidence that I was there because I felt like I received a lot of answers to some of the prayers I have been having lately. They asked me to share my testimony at the end of the conference since I'm finishing my mission (which I also was not prepared for because usually they don't have you do that if it's not technically your zone). It's very rare I get through it without tearing up! I'm just so grateful to have been able to serve. We have the Milano est and milano ovest conference this Thursday and we are doing a training at that one as well. I will again bare my leaving testimony at the end of it. It's like a spiritual and emotional roller coaster my word! They are killing me!!

     I got some really terrible news this week that a boy in my Sunday school class who I had grown up with in Colorado passed away. It really shook me up honestly. My heart completely goes out to his family. They have always been so good to me and my family and are undeserving of this kind of heart break, but I also know there is a different mourning process for people who have an understanding of the plan of salvation. It doesn't make it hurt less, but it gives you hope and an assured faith that all families sealed will always be together. 

     Today for pday I bought a shirt, and ate pizza. Hope you have a great week!

     Love, Sorella Williams

The Torino zones and Genova zones 

Art class!

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