Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Surprise concert with Francesca


I hope everyone's weeks were great!

     Last week we went to Florence for a president's interview. I love going to Florence 10% because of the amazing Duomo & 90% because of the best sandwiches I have ever had in my life. It was fun to see people and to see the President. But I'm always happy to go back to Siena after being in Florence because there are 209358092385 tourists in Florence.

     We taught Irma again this week and she is amazing. She seems to really love what we teach and is progressing right along. She always asks so many great questions. We taught her all about modern day prophets and she loved it. There is absolutely nothing like teaching someone the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so excited for her. 

     We went to my homie Kathy's house for dinner. Kathy is a New Yorker here in Siena studying art history at the University. She is a member and my favorite person ever because 1. she looks like Kerry Washington and 2. She is hilarious and we speak English together which is like a vacation for me haha. She invited her college roommate (also New Yorker) to eat with us and she was the sweetest girl and I had one of those moments that really hit me that I am a missionary! There was not one minute during that dinner I wasn't thinking about how we could work the gospel into the conversation and I kept catching myself doing it!. Of course we talked and laughed about life and normal stuff, but by the end of dinner we taught her roommate the entire restoration and she was fascinated by it and asked so many great questions. We gave her a Book of Mormon and she said she would start to read!  

     We also had a cute new lady show up to family home evening (a little embarrassing because she was the only one to show up haha. small city probs) that the Anziani had found her on a bus  We taught her the entire restoration and the spirit was so strong and undeniable. She really felt like her prayers were being answered and we will be teaching her again soon. 

     Sunday we visited Francesca and walked right into a full on choir concert being put on by a professional choir for the old folks. So we ran upstairs and grabbed Fran and booked it down the halls and to the elevators (I think that was the fastest her wheel chair has ever moved because I don't think she blinked once hahaha) and we used her as our ticket into the concert .  The three of us got to enjoy some nice music in this gorgeous catholic chapel and it was just dandy. 

I pray for you all and miss you all and love you all!!!

Sorella Williams

Also I would like to take a minute and recognize how amazing I am for discovering that if you hit the water heater pipe at the right angle with the broomstick the STUPID DUMB UGLY PIGEON ON THE ROOF SHUTS UP. Big accomplishment for the missionaries here in Siena. 

Concert with Fran at the old folks home

Outside our apartment

Our neighborhood

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